Thursday, 31 May 2012

To a Special June....

June is a special month. It marks the completion of half a year. It also marks the beginning of the other half of the year.

An interlude between beginnings and ends, that’s the beauty of June.

Have you met our June at Protsahan? A tiny girl with two pony tails and a smile that can make your heart melt in seconds.

June is a warm month; just like our girl who oozes warmth and affection that makes you look within and wonder, “Is it so easy to love people?”

She lost her parents as a toddler and reminisces old times with a spark that tugs your heart leaving it with an emotion that can’t be put into words. She understands the importance of memories and capturing moments in a way we don’t. Perhaps, she values memories in a way we all need to.

And! Her love for getting photographed is a different story altogether. Show her a camera and she’d pose for you till you get tired of clicking pictures. A photographer’s delight.

June is suffering an incurable disease and her health is deteriorating with each passing day. Despite all odds, this little soul breathes every moment with a zest for life that would leave you dumb struck.

Her hug, her smile and her gleeful squeals are priceless.

Would you like to make this special month for our special girl? Would you like to be a part of this world where expressions and affection get a new meaning?

This June, let’s raise a toast to the colors added into the world by our little June.

This June- To a special June.

-Madhusha Dash